Learning about the parts of speech is the first step in grammar study just as learning the letters of the alphabets is the first step to being able to read and write. From learning the parts of speech we begin to understand the use or function of words and how words are joined together to make meaningful communication. To understand what a part of speech is, you must understand the idea of putting similar things together into groups or categories.
English than by using the eight parts of speech. It is possible to speak or learn a language without knowing about parts of speech makes thing easier. When you look for a word in a dictionary, you will find out only the meaning of the word but also what part of speech it is. This information is very helpful in understanding the full meaning of the word and knowing how to use it.
The eight part of speech that are used to describe English words are nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, prepositions, cunjunctions, and articles. But, this paper will be learning about verb.
Defenisi : yaitu kata kerja yang ditinjau dari segi bentuknya.
Kinds :
1. Present Form.
a. Bare Infinitive.
Defenisi : kata kerja murni yang tidak mendapatkan tambahan apapun.
e.g : go, arise, study, teach, etc.
b. Additional Infinitive.
Defenisi : yaitu kata kerja murni yang mendapatkan tambahan “ s,es
“karena di pengaruhi oleh subjeknya, yaitu orang ketiga
e.g : goes, arises, teaches, etc.
c. To Infinitive.
Defenisi :yaitu kata kerja murni yang telah mendapatkan tambahan “
to “ di depannya.
e.g : to go, to arise, to teach, etc.
2. Past Form.
Defenisi : yaitu kata kerja lampau atau yang sering disebut V2.
e.g : went, arose, taught, etc.
3. Participle Form.
a. Present participle.
Defenisi :yaitu kata kerja murni yang mendapatkan akhiran “ ing “.
e.g : going, arising, teaching, etc.
b. Past participle.
Defenisi : yaitu kata kerja bentuk ke 3.
e.g : gone, arosen, taught, etc.
Defenisi : kata kerja yang ditinjau dari segi fungsinya.
1. Auxilary.
Defenisi : yaitu kata kerja bantu.
Kinds :
a. Primary auxilary.
Defenisi : kata kerja bantu yang kadang tidak memiliki makna dan
Tidak Makna dari suatu kalimat.
Kinds :
1) To be : am, is, are, was, were, be, been, being.
2) To have : have, has, had.
3) To do : do, does, did.
b. Modal auxilary.
Defenisi : kata kerja bantu yang memiliki makna dan menambah makna
Dari suatu kalimat.
Kinds : will, shal, would, should, can, could, may, etc.
2. Ordinary.
Defenisi : kata kerja utama.
Kinds : run, go, sing, sleep,etc.
Defenisi : kata kerja yang ditinjau dari segi kebutuhan objeknya.
Kinds :
1. Intransitive.
Defenisi : kata kerja yang tidak membutuhkan objek.
e.g : go, stand, sleep, etc.
2. Transitive.
Defenisi : kata kerja yang membutuhkan objek.
Kinds :
a. Monotransitive.
Defenisi : kata kerja yang hanya membutuhkan 1 objek.
b. Ditransitive.
Defenisi : kata kerja yang membutuhkan 2 objek.
e.g : ask, bring, buy,etc.
Defenisi : kata kerja yang ditinjau dari segi maknanya.
Kinds :
1. Stative.
Defenisi : kata kerja yang mengandung makna kondisi atau keadaan.
e.g : know, understand, feel, etc.
2. Dinamic.
Defenisi : kata kerja yang mengandung makna gerakan atau tindakan.
e.g : go, run, jump, etc.
Defenisi : yaitu kata kerja yang bisa dicontinuoskan dan tidak bisa dicontinuoskan.
Kinds :
1. Mental state.
Know Believe Imagine Want
Realize Feel Doubt Need
Understand Suppose Remember Prefer
Recognize Think* Forget Mean
2. Emotional state.
Love Hate Fear Mind
Like Dislike Envy Care
3. Possession.
Posses Have* Own Belong
4. Sense perception.
Taste* Hear See* Smell*
5. Other exiting statement.
Seem Cost Be* Consist of
Look* Owe Exist Contain
Appear* Weigh* Include
The eight part of speech that are used to describe English words are nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, prepositions, cunjunctions, and articles. But, this paper will be learning about verb.
Verb is the word to show action, for example to buy, to write, to read, to run, and etc. And to show state of being, for example to be, to have, to become, to seem, and etc.
Author realizes that this paper is far from perfect. Therefore, for anyone who reads this paper, the authors are looking forward to constructive criticism and suggestions for the perfection of this paper. Hopefully this paper can be useful for us all in the running of all activities as a student.
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