Monday, January 20, 2014


Assalamu Alaikum Wr. Wb.

Hi everyone! It’s very long time, I’m not posting anything. But now, Alhamdulillah I got the chance.
This posting is the requirement for final project of CALL course, one of my lecture course in 7th semester.
In this posting, I will review one of software that can be used in teaching and learning.

It’s called “HOT POTATOES”

What is Hot Potatoes?
Hot Potatoes is a software that enable us to construct the text or to create interactive Web-based exercises of several basic types. The exercises are standard Web pages using XHTML 1.1 code for display and JavaScript (ECMAScript) for interactivity. The Web pages you can use, including Internet Explorer, Mozilla, Google Chrome, and many others.
Hot Potatoes is free software. You can download at . To begin, you have to install the software like usual. When starting, you will be prompted to register. Ask for your name and your name will be inserted into exercise you create.

First display when you open the application, like this …

There are six Potatoes : JQuiz, JCloze, JCross, JMatch, JMix, and The Masher.
To beginning, I will explain how to making an exercise in Hot Potatoes first.
There are three basic steps in making an exercise :
  1. Entering data (question, answer, clue, and so on)
  2.  Configuring the output (preparing the button captions, instruction, and other features of Web pages)
  3. Creating Web pages (display the exercise into HTML pages). 

For more clearly, let’s check one by one the Hot Potato

(Question-based Exercises)

JQuiz is a tool for making question-based exercises. Each quiz can consist of an unlimited number of questions. There are four basic question types : multiple-choice questions, short-answer questions, hybrid question, and multi-select questions.

Let’s try to create exercises!

1st Question, I make  a multiple-choice question.
  1. Type the title in the title box.
  2. Type the question in the question box.
  3. Make sure that “Multiple-choice” is selected.
  4. Type the answers in the each boxes, A B C and D.
  5. Type the feedback or the reason why the answer is correct or incorrect.
  6. Don’t forget to check the “Correct” at the checkbox next to the right answer.

Oh don’t forget to add reading text. It will be non sense if you create exercises and it doesn’t have reading text, the students won’t check the answer without reading text.
That’s why, I supply one reading text for four type questions. To add reading text, follow the step above.

Then, type the title of text, and type or import the reading text in the main textbox. Give the check on “Include a reading text” in order to the reading text will appear in Web pages. Then OK.

2nd Question, I make  a short-answer question.
  1. Type the title in the title box.
  2. Type the question in the question box.
  3. Make sure that “Short-answer” is selected.
  4. Type the answers in the each boxes, A B C and D.
  5. Type the feedback or the reason why the answer is correct or incorrect.
  6. Don’t forget to check the “Correct” at the checkbox next to the right answer.

3rd Question, I make  a hybrid question.
  1.  Type the title in the title box.
  2. Type the question in the question box.
  3. Make sure that “Hybrid” is selected.
  4. Type the answers in the each boxes, A B C and D.
  5. Type the feedback or the reason why the answer is correct or incorrect.
  6. Don’t forget to check the “Correct” at the checkbox next to the right answer and “Include in M/C options”.

4th Question, I make  a multi-select question.
  1. Type the title in the title box.
  2. Type the question in the question box.
  3. Make sure that “Multi-select” is selected.
  4. Type the answers in the each boxes, A B C and D.
  5. Type the feedback or the reason why the answer is correct or incorrect.
  6. Don’t forget to check the “Should be selected” at the checkbox next to the right answer.

To configure the exercises, click Options > Configure Output or just click the Configure Output Icon.

To create Web Page click File > Create Web Page > Standard Format

To create web page, it will bring you to save your exercise. Type file name and Save.

Then it will appear after that, just click “View the exercise in my browser”.

This is the 1st question appearance.

And this is the appearance for all the question. 1st question is multiple choice, 2nd is short-answer question, 3rd is hybrid question, and 4th is multi-select question.

To answer the questions, for multiple-choice on 1st question, the student chooses the answer by clicking on a button. If the answer is correct, the button caption will change to a smiley face J, and if it’s wrong, it will change to an X.
For short-answer on 2nd question, the student have to type the answer into a text box on the page, and press a Check button to see if it is correct. If the student doesn’t know the answer, check the Hint button to check the clue.
For hybrid on 3rd question, is combination of multiple-choice and short answer question. The student asked to type the answer. If the student fails to get the right answer, the question will be changes to a multiple-choice question to make it easier.
For multi-select on 4th question, the student asks to select all the correct items and not select all the wrong items.

(Gap-fill Exercises)

JCloze is used to make gap-fill or cloze exercises, or we known by fill in the blank exercises.
How to make it a Gap-fill exercise? Here you are …

Entering the data :
  1. Type the title in the title box.
  2. Type your text into the main textbox.
  3. To make a gap, select some text (I circle  the words), then press the Gap button.

In the gap dialog box, type the clue for each gaps. To make it easier, just type the initial letter for each gap. Then click OK button.

After that, same step with JQuiz after Entering Data, click Options > Configuring Output > If you want to change the subtitle and instruction, type and correct them, then click Save > OK

Next is to save the exercise you create, click File > Create Web Page > Standard Format > Type the file name and Save. And, click View the exercise in my web browser.

This is the display in Web page when you have created the exercise.
Now is students’ job. The students complete all the answers before checking. When all the answers have been entered, the students press the Check button to mark the answer. The correct answers will be inserted into the text, any incorrect answers will be left in the textboxes, so they can be corrected. If the students have no idea of the answer, they can click Hint button which give one free letter of the answer. After all, click the Check button and automatically the score will be launched.


JCross is used to make crossword exercises.

Let’s create the exercise!

1st type the title in the title box.
2nd Enter the letters in the grid. To enter letters in the grid, click on a square and type the a letter.
3rd Add the clues for each words you enter.

Adding the clues for each words.

After that, same step with all the exercises in Hot Potato after Entering Data, click Options > Configuring Output > If you want to change the subtitle and instruction, type and correct them, then click Save > OK

Next is to save the exercise you create, click File > Create Web Page > Standard Format > Type the file name and Save. And, click View the exercise in my web browser.

And here the result of exercise you have create.

Students’ job. To answer this crossword, Put the cursor in a square that fill with number. Then, read the clues and type the word in the answer box. If you doesn’t know the answer, click Hint button. After type all the answer, click Check button to know the score you got.

(Matching Exercise)

JMatch is used to create matching exercise. Basically, this means that a list of items appears on one side, and each one must be matched up to an item on the other side.

To make a JMatch exercise, 1st type the title, then enter each pair of items on the same line, as in the picture above. Don’t worry, when you export to create Web page, the program will shuffle the items on the right.

After that, same step with all the exercises in Hot Potato after Entering Data, click Options > Configuring Output > If you want to change the subtitle and instruction, type and correct them, then click Save > OK

Next is to save the exercise you create, click File > Create Web Page > Standard Format > Type the file name and Save. And, click View the exercise in my web browser.

Here the JMatch exercise with Standard Format.

Students’ Job. To select the answer, click the “Icon Arrow” then scroll down the answer. After all, click “Check” button to know the score.

And, This is the JMatch exercise with Drag/Drop Format.  This is the format to use when you have only a few items, and especially if the items are graphics or pictures. Don’t use drag/drop format if you have more than eight items, because scrolling on the page will make dragging and dropping difficult.

Students’ Job. To select the answer, click the answer on the right side,  then drag to the left side which matched up with it. After all, click “Check” button to know the score.

(Jumbled Sentence or Jumbled Word Exercises)

JMix is used to make jumble exercises. You can jumble the words in a sentence, or the letters in a word. Like JMatch, JMix has two output format : standard and drag/drop.

To make it JMix exercise, type the title first. Then type the words in main sentence box. To enter the words, type 1st word, then press “Enter” key on the keyboard, and type the word, and so on.

After that, same step with all the exercises in Hot Potato after Entering Data, click Options > Configuring Output > If you want to change the subtitle and instruction, type and correct them, then click Save > OK

Next is to save the exercise you create, click File > Create Web Page > Standard Format > Type the file name and Save. And, click View the exercise in my web browser.

Here, the JMix you create by Standard Format.

For students’ job. To arrange the words became good sentence, click one by one on the words to add to the sentence. Then click the Check button to know the score.

Here, the JMix you create by Drag/Drop Format.

For students’ job. To arrange the words became good sentence, drop one by one on the words and drag to the up and arrange the words. Then click the Check button to know the score.

The Masher 
(Building Linked Units of Material)

The Masher is different kind of application from the others in the Hot Potatoes suite. It’s intended to help you make larger units of materials, and linked it together.

Here’s how it works :

This is the first appearance of The Masher when opened. Drag all the Hot Potatoes files you want to include in the unit.

Or, add Files all the Hot Potatoes files you want to include in the unit. Select the items and cick Open button.

It’s to save your unit material.

Building of unit in progress….

Here, the program creates an index page for the entire unit. View the index page, and access the exercises.

Ok here we are! I hope this tutorial how to use and make exercises in Hot Potato can help you all.

How to applicate in teaching and learning activity???
In this advanced technology era, we are demanded to use more technology and sophisticated gadget. The devolepment of technology is not in science, or gadget only, but in teaching and learning side too. Hot Potatoes is one of the software that created for teaching and learning. Hot Potatoes application make teacher easier to construct the test or exercise. We don’t need use more paper test, all we need is in Hot Potatoes. To implementation in classroom, the class held in computer laboratory or language laboratory. Each student use the computer to access this application. The teacher job's is to create the exercises using Hot potatoes application, then share to all of the students' computer. then each students do the exercise that teacher's given.

Ok, that's all my posting about Hot Potatoes. I hope its bring benefit to you all.

Special thanks to :
Our Lecturer, Mr. Muhammad Yaumi and Miss Aliyah
My beloved friends in PBI 34 2010, Love yaa...

Assalamu Alaikum Wr. Wb.